Coach Andy
- Sarasota, Florida
- Over 2 Years Experience
- Indoor: No
- Outdoor: Yes
- Seasonal: No
- Private Pickleball Lessons: $50 HR
- Semi-Private Pickleball Lessons: $35 HR
- Group Pickleball Lessons: $25 HR
- Hitting Only Sessions: $25 HR
Coach Audrey
- Venice, Florida
- Over 1 Year Experience
- Indoor: No
- Outdoor: Yes
- Seasonal: Yes
- Private Pickleball Lessons: $65 HR
- Semi-Private Pickleball Lessons: $45 HR
- Group Pickleball Lessons: $25 HR
- Hitting Only Sessions: $55 HR
- Buy 6, Get 1 Free!
Can't Find A Pickleball Coach That Fits Your Needs?
My name is Adam Gislason and I am the owner of If you can't find a pickleball coach in your city or one that fits your needs, I would be glad to personally help you find a fun, quality and affordable pickleball coach for private pickleball lessons, semi-private pickleball lessons, group pickleball lessons or just hitting only sessions 0-10 miles from where you are located for all ages & skill levels. Please click "Contact Me" to get started with your search!
South Gate Ridge Pickleball Lessons helps you to find private pickleball lessons, semi-private pickleball lessons, group pickleball lessons or hitting only sessions for all ages (kids, teens, adults, seniors) and all skill levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) 0-10 miles from where you are located! To find South Gate Ridge pickleball lessons near you, simply find a local pickleball coach listed here!
South Gate Ridge, Florida is a wonderful place to retire and play pickleball. There are pickleball facilities that are in close proximity to South Gate Ridge making it easier to hit the pickleball courts. Are you looking for an outdoor activity that is fun and a great way to socialize? Give pickleball a try-you will love it. It is a delightful sport that’s drawing interest from all age groups. Get in the game.
You can treat your grandkids to kids pickleball lessons in South Gate Ridge. At we cater to the whole family with adult pickleball lessons as well. Many families spend their vacation time in Florida so why not take group pickleball lessons together? You can get a better understanding of it before you dive in. It’s important to find the right pickleball pro-be sure to take your time when reading each coach bio before you choose.
The popularity of pickleball is no joke. In fact, believe it or not it is the fastest growing sport in the country and let’s be honest, who would have thought. Maybe it’s your turn to join the crowd, jump on the bandwagon and hit the courts. It’s never too late to give it a try and now is the best time to do it. The pickleball instruction featured above will prepare you to get in the action. In fact, you can get ahead of the game by learning the basic fundamentals.
You’ll enjoy South Gate Ridge pickleball lessons with a qualified and affordable pickleball coach at!